Our Programs
Goals For All
Challenge: Equitable access for public-use lacrosse goals does not exist in SoCal.
Initiative: With key partnerships, we are fundraising to put 20 public-use goals throughout San Diego County as Phase 1.
Why: Aligning with Callum’s passion for supporting youth lacrosse, growing the game, and providing fair access to all kids!
Diabetic Athletes
Challenge: Upfront and ongoing costs for diabetic athletes in the United States
Initiative: Fundraising to provide insulin pumps to diabetic athletes in the United States. Our initial goal is to help 10 athletes!
Why: As a type 1 diabetic, Callum was always championing the cause of diabetic athletes and promoting awareness.
Coastal/Reef Cleanups!
Challenge: Plastics and other trash that wreak havoc on our beaches, wildlife, and reefs.
Initiative: Beach clean-ups and other outreach to help support our natural coastal environments.
Why: Jake’s passion for surfing and his passion for helping his community and the coasts where he found his love of surfing!